Podcast Press Releases via GroupWeb Radio

We podcast press releases as we publish them on EmailWire.Com - a global newswire and press release distribution service for businesses, authors, organizations and government agencies. We interview CEOs, business owners or managers about their products and services or causes. These interviews are published as podcasts and embedded in press releases that are distributed throughout U.S. and global media outlets. See a clipping report of recent distributed podcast embeded in in press release.
These podcasts also reach millions of listeners via Zune network, iTune, iPhones, other mobile devices, social networks and podcast directories. This year, the number of podcast listeners will reach 60 million. Podcast awareness is growing rapidly from "37% to 43%, and the percentage of Americans who have ever listened to an audio podcast growing to 22% ..." You can reach this audience with your press releases and interviews through GroupWeb Radio podcasting service.
Listen to our recent podcast by clicking the green arrow on the button below, or you can subscribe to our podcast feed from GroupWeb Radio.

Press Release and CEO Interviews Podcasting Plans

1. CEO Interview $399
- 5 minutes interview with GroupWeb Radio host.
- Interview is placed in your newsroom.
- One press release is distributed nation wide with podcast link embeded.
- We provide you with an MP3 file of your interview to place on your website

2. CEO Interview with Unlimited Press Release Distribution Plan: $999
- 5 minutes interview with Radio host.
- Send unlimited press releases nationwide for one year.

Sign up and place your podcast order, or for more information on how to get on GroupWeb Radio podcast, please call 281-645-4086. Allow one week for interviews or press releases to be included in GroupWeb Radio Podcast.

Here are some locations to listen and subscribe to GroupWeb Radio Podcast:

Podcast is embed in over 50 national media outlets. Transcripts of news summaries are published and distributed to over 50 media outlets guaranteed! See current clipping report that links of the podcast and summaries published on nation wide media outlets.