Demand Soars For Colored Diamonds

Premier Diamond Group (North America) Ltd. Newsletter Vol 2 No 9


Volume 2, No. 9
February 2017



Source: The Wall Street Journal, Laurence Fletcher and Art Patnaude
Date: January 15, 2017

Last spring, Mahyar Makhzani, a Geneva-based fund manager, placed a 4.08-carat pear-shaped gem against special ultrawhite paper and peered at it through his eyeglass. He liked what he saw.

Several days later, after 10 minutes of negotiation on the telephone with the stone’s New York-based seller, Mr. Makhzani and a business partner bought the rare vivid-orange diamond for more than $1 million per carat. Deals like this – high-priced purchases of colored diamonds by investors – have become more commonplace in recent years. Colored diamonds, (created when a chemical element such as boron or nitrogen is trapped during a diamond’s formation over millions of years), are part of a boom in a market that was once the preserve of wealthy collectors.

Prices are being driven higher by investors, many of whom have been disappointed by returns from other assets, say industry insiders. Over almost eight years, from the start of 2009 to September 30, 2016, the latest recorded data, the price of pink diamonds has increased nearly 180% and sits at a record high. Blue and yellow diamonds are up by around 70% and 90%, respectively, over the same period, according to the Fancy Color Research Foundation, based in Tel Aviv.

Esoteric assets
Trillions of dollars of stimulus from central banks and ultralow interest rates have helped push returns on many government bonds below zero, leading investors toward ever more esoteric assets. Overall, prices of colored diamonds, the report adds, have risen 122% in the same period.

Part of the transformation of the marketplace for colored diamonds includes professional investors and funds, typically investing on behalf of wealthy clients. They have joined the collectors and connoisseurs who historically have bought rare gems. Investors or funds such as Mr. Makhzani’s Sciens Coloured Diamond Fund typically buy the stones outright or in partnership with other investors.

There has “absolutely” been a growth in the number of investors buying colored diamonds, says Eden Rachminov, managing partner of Tel-Aviv-based Rachminov Diamonds, one of the world’s biggest cutters of colored diamonds. Soaring prices have drawn in some investors, he says. “The price of red diamonds for example, is very high. That creates an attraction.

Record auction prices highlight the soaring demand for colored diamonds. Last May, a 14.62-carat blue diamond sold for $57.5 million at auction in Geneva, making the gem the most expensive jewel ever sold at auction. In November 2015, also at a Geneva auction, the 12.03-carat Blue Moon sold for nearly $50 million, becoming the only diamond of any color to sell for more than $4 million per carat.

In addition to those seeking alternative investments, the swelling ranks of the world’s super rich means more interested buyers, too. In the past, other gems such as sapphires or emeralds adorned with smaller white diamonds were more en vogue, days Daniela Mascetti, senior international specialist at Sotheby’s jewelry division.

Fancy for diamonds
But in recent years, more investors have picked up on the rarity of colored diamonds, Ms. Mascetti says. Just one out of every 10,000 diamonds is a so-called fancy colored diamond, according to the Gemological Institute of America, in Carlsbad, California, the globally recognized body for grading diamonds’ color, clarity, finish and cut.

Some, such as red diamonds, are so rare that only a handful are known to exist. The Gemological Institute of America says its laboratory didn’t see a single red diamond from 1957 to 1987.

Around 90% of all pink diamonds come from Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine in Western Australia, with the rest coming from mines in Africa, Brazil and elsewhere, says Patrick Coppens, sales manager at Rio Tinto.

Select viewings
While Rio Tinto still mines primarily for white diamonds at Argyle, the best 50 or 60 pink, violet and red colored diamonds that it digs up every year are sold in an annual tender through sealed bids. Potential investors can attend viewings at secret locations in London, New York and Hong Kong, one of which was attended by this Wall Street Journal reporter. Prospective investors, one at a time, are allowed to examine the diamonds in a windowless room.


Diamonds are prized around the world for their rarity. A gem-quality diamond is already one of the most rare items found in nature. Of all colored diamonds, one color in particular is especially rare: a predominantly red diamond. It is doubtful that the Gemological Institute of America has certified more than 2 dozen natural red diamonds over the past 60 years.

The Hancock Red Diamond
The Hancock Red is one of the most famous red diamonds in the world and Red diamonds are among the rarest diamonds on the planet. The Hancock Red, named after the famous collector Mr. Warren Hancock, is not famous for size, but rather, for its rare purplish red color. It was one of the first diamonds certified as red by the GIA.

Red diamonds are so rare that only about twenty to thirty true red diamonds are known to exist, and most are less than half a carat in size. Since the red diamond, like the pink diamond, derives its unique color from defects in the crystal lattice not from impurities such as nitrogen and boron, it is special and highly sought after. The Brazalian originating Hancock Red diamond, weighing in at 0.95 carats, is a one-of-a-kind round brilliant diamond. There are larger famous red diamonds such as the De Young Red, but that one boasts a brown overtone, which is far less desirable than a purplish red.

Another reason for the Hancock Red’s fame is the price it was sold for back in 1987. It was purchased at Christie’s in New York for $880,000, instantly giving it the title of the most expensive diamond per carat, at the time. At a whopping $926,000 per carat, the Hancock Red held its title for twenty years. The sale placed the price at seven times the price of the previous record-holding diamond. That auction made history, especially since Mr. Hancock had supposedly bought the diamond in 1956 for a mere $13,500.

Mr. Hancock had been a colored diamond collector all his life, until his early death at the age of 65 in 1981. The Montana rancher began collecting in the 1950s, and had the honor of having this rare stone named after him after he purchased it in 1956. Though more expensive diamonds have been sold since the Hancock Red Diamond, it still remains one of the most famous colored diamonds of all times due to its remarkable red color. Mr. Hancock sure knew a keeper when he saw one. We probably will not encounter another “Hancock Red” in this century, if ever at all. It is for this reason alone that the Hancock Red Diamond is an important historic and scientific artifact.

The Rob Red
As a unique coincidence, Mr. Robert Bogel, an astute dealer of colored diamonds in New York City for more than 30 years had spent many of his early years in the various diamond mining districts throughout Brazil searching for rough colored diamonds and is now reunited with a fragment of his past.

“The Rob Red Diamond is the most saturated and purest red diamond measured visually and instrumentally to date in the world,” says Stephen Hofer, the renowned gemologist, color scientist, and author of Collecting and Classifying Fancy Color Diamonds. Hofer reports that the 0.59-carat pear-shape Rob Red deserves the title of Fancy Intense Red, exceeding the purity and saturation of red in the famous Hancock Red Diamond. One interesting note regarding the Hancock Red Diamond is that the recorded strengh of color of the stone, which is Fancy Purplish-Red, was the highest level ever recorded for a natural red diamond. Since that time, a handful of other pure red or purplish-red diamonds have come to light, but all have received color grades of simply Fancy, rather than the more saturated Fancy Intense. This was all prior to the measurements of the 0.59-carat stone. Hence the Rob Red is the most saturated red diamond ever recorded with a modern instrument. This diamond is also quite unique because it is relatively free of inclusions. After careful examination by other diamond experts, this stone has the potential to be labeled by the world’s colored diamond collectors and connoisseurs as the most important red diamond in the world.

Unprecedented and one of a kind are terms that have been overused in our daily vernacular today. But those terms do properly apply to the Hancock Red and the Rob Red! They are unique in a group of colored diamonds (Red) that are in themselves unique!

And just when we pause and ponder whether or not the Diamond Industry has seen it all, nature throws us a curve and brings to light another natural colored diamond that has every potential to establish itself in rare air!

Premier Diamond Group Inc.’s Malta office recently acquired a Natural Red Diamond that, in our opinion, could one day rank with the Hancock Red and the Rob Red as one of the most unique Red diamonds ever unearthed! The stone is a .50 Round Brilliant cut Fancy Orangy Red Diamond with eye clean clarity in the face up!

Just how unique is this diamond? There are 3200 cutters and dealers in the Tel Aviv Diamond Bourse. Our Octogenarian Agent/Dealer in the Bourse has been in the colored diamond business for almost 40 years. Senior Management at Premier Diamond Group has over 45 years collective gemstone experience and we have been involved in the sale of five of the handful of Natural Red Diamonds known to exist! In all of those years, none of us have seen a Red Diamond with an Orange Modifier graded by the Gemological Society of America! To have a stone of this color in a Round Brilliant cut does justice to the accolades Unique, Unprecedented and One of a Kind! The Colored Diamond business formulates pricing on Auction Valuations and Private Sales through dealers on a worldwide basis. It is an industry where Supply and Demand has and will continue to be the integral pricing component. When demand increases, for example, by 20 – 30% per year there is no colored diamond mine the industry can access to ramp up supply! If this diamond were 1 carat in size, we would look to establish a new record Colored Diamond price per carat of more than $4 million!

With Colored Diamonds, it is true that in many colors, stones under 1 carat in size may be just as rare in nature as their larger counterparts. They represent outstanding value of ownership because they sell for a fraction of the price per carat! If you missed the boat on acquiring a Picasso, Warhol or De Keonig painting prior to their astronomical rise in value, then consider the acquisition of a rare gem! This diamond has been placed with a client. As others come to the surface, we will consider placement on a first come first served basis.


With prices of 1 carat plus stones in all color classes increasing, there is significant upside potential for Wealth Accumulation in the more affordable stones ranging from .50 carat to just under 1 carat. Colored Diamonds in these carat ranges provide safe storage of value and allow for privacy and healthy wealth accumulation moving forward.

Collectors and Connoisseuers the world over have been moving into this particular sector, especially in pink, green, orange, blue and red colors. On the supply side, these particular stones are getting more and more difficult to acquire at an affordable price! With demand growing and supply dwindling, future wealth and asset accumulation in all color sectors looks very promising over the next decade.

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